Sunday, November 26, 2017

Thanksgiving weekend photos

I am positive that these were taken on Thanksgiving weekend.  Both taken by Jim, in one of the folders he gave me with old family photos these were included at the back.
TOPWLH took a look at this picture and declared that there is no way we ever bought that jacket for our little girl.
But Kelsey's jacket is at least similar.  It looks to me like that was the style for at least that one season.  Probably everyone who is their age has at least one of those jackets in their history.


Santini said...

I've been thinking about the Thanksgivings that the three of us spent together as adults, taking turns at each others houses, quite a bit this weekend. Great photos, good times.

Emily M said...

I remember being very fond of that jacket. Perhaps I insisted?

BDE said...

Perhaps. At lease we also bought a cute matching hat. You do look happy in this wonderful picture. I love the breaking waves in the background and your delightful companion.

And, Santini, I also recall very fondly those Thanksgivings when we took turns. I still miss OSLO's pecan tarts! Oh, and all of you, of course.