Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Apparently you never forget

How to ride a bicycle.  At least that's what I've heard and today I proved it.

Not very far, alas, and certainly not very fast, but today I rode my bicycle.

This is a very early start for me, I seldom have ever gotten a ride in March.  But late last week we had a day long hard rain.  Out in our front yard the last little bit of winter melted away.
That motivated me to do this.  It isn't actual bicycle repair but it is repair related to riding my bicycle.
The cleat on my bike shoes had slithered all the way up to the toe of my left shoe. This left my foot not in the proper position and may have contributed to knee pain.  The cleat is held on by screws not by the force of god so every once in a while the screws need tightening and the cleat needs to be repositioned.  This would not be necessary if the whole attachment thing was under deity supervision.

That part on the right is how the shoes connect to the pedal.  Those four screws have to be removed to get at the mounting bracket (still on the shoe).  The top screw there was very, very loose and the one lower left was completely unscrewed and being held still on the shoe only by the rest of the bracket.

This isn't the first time.

So I got the mounting bracket reattached in the proper position on the shoe and then screwed the rest of the cleat back on.  Ready to go.

And yet another day in the 50s sent me out on the road.

When you ride only very occasionally or not at all you forget about wind.

It was not a punitive wind today but it was certainly present and a firm reminder that this is the sort of thing that one needs to keep track of when contemplating a bicycle ride.

But any way I got quite a bit farther from my house than I have been under my own power in quite a while.
The trees demonstrate how very far we still are from spring.