Friday, October 22, 2010

September returns

With apologies to absolutely no one, what a drag having to work today must have been. After yesterday's too cold, today's temperatures went even past just right up to pleasantly overdone. I had a Guest Rider and we went out with bare legs, a last gasp appearance of shorts.

I think 68 is the official number right now which IS pretty spectacular but it was not absolutely completely perfect. The wind was a bit above ideal but we endeavored to persevere and it was a very, very nice ride. I know I thought last week might be my last trip to the falls but today was nice enough to make the ride another time.

I wore my Euskatel jersey again today and when we arrived at the Falls a nice lady walked right up to me and asked who I rode for. Surely you jest, I THOUGHT. But I was also wearing my orange helmet (Rabobank) and maybe the color coordination caused a brief moment of confusion.

But her name wasn't Shirley and she seemed disappointed when I told her it was just a jersey from a Euro team that I picked up somewhere. I am in good shape for my age, but after all, my age! I did not ever expect to be mistaken for a competitive bicycle racer but I guess it was a compliment.

The sun is now low in the sky even in early afternoon and the sun angle was completely wrong for a photo from the traditional next to falls spot at the time we were there. We hung around and observed a wedding party being photographed and then trundled down to the end of the gorge to get the alternative shot.We took the preferred route home from the Falls, the Minneapolis side and came across this display next to the back side of the soccer field at Minnehaha Academy.The extraordinary October continues, we are going to keep on trying to enjoy it for as long as it lasts.

This evening in Nantes, FC Nantes has played a 1-1 draw with Chateauroux and continue to tread water in the general classification. A tie is better than a loss but if FC Nantes is to fulfill their ambitions they MUST begin to take full points in these home games.

1 comment:

gfr said...

An extremely nice compliment, indeed. They all count!

A bit warmer here after a frosty start to yesterday, but it looks soggy then windy then cold over the last week of October for me.