Saturday, October 23, 2010


I had only a 40 percent chance of getting in a ride today. The street seemed damp this morning and the overcast never lifted. But a little after noon Wireless called looking for TOPWLH and seemed surprised to find me at home, wondering why I WASN'T out riding. TOPWLH had suggested earlier that it was warm enough and that it seemed possible but until Wireless spurred me to action I was actually watching Gopher Nation.

How did that come out anyway?

The overcast never lifted and I didn't get any photographs. Conditions seemed OK when I started but after a while I decided I was too far from home and wanted to get back within 5 miles of home so that I could make a dash for it if necessary. There are still lots of ways to compile mileage while maintaining proximity to home.

After a while I wanted to be within 3 miles of home, then even that seemed dangerously far away. I wanted to be on the home side of Snelling. So that's where I ended up and when the sprinkles finally arrived I was 0.2 miles from completing the full two hour ride.

Today 40 percent was enough.

As pointed out by a budding prune juice consumer, that song I was reminded of the other day really wasn't a Peter, Paul and Mary song at all although they eventually did do a recording of it. It was actually the Kingston Trio. There is an interesting side story that I did not know. The Kingston Trio (remember them? anyone under 50 remember them?) recorded the song in 1961 and believing it to be a traditional folk song, they claimed authorship. The real composers gave them notice of their error. The Trio had their name removed and credited the true composers, Pete Seeger who composed the first three verses in 1955 and had made a record including the song, and Joe Hickerson who added additional verses in 1960.

Here then, Pete Seeger, a great American hero, performing his composition in 1991 (at the age of 72):

Special thanks to Marz for pointing out the error.


Jimi said...

Marlene Dietrich does a pretty good version of it in German. It translates well.

Unknown said...

Dang, it's gotten complicated! I've got it here on a Mitchell Trio record, Peter Paul and Mary, "originated" by the Kingston Trio, really written by Pete Seger and covered by, um, Marlene Dietrich. Can Green Day be far behind??

santini said...

Ya know -- between TT posting pictures of me at about 30, and you posting songs from my very young adulthood, I could get pretty depressed. Time, you thief, indeed.

Fortunately, at my age, it is possible to pass off a tear as 'watery eyes.'