Thursday, October 14, 2010

Orange biker

I broke a basic rule today. It is perhaps THE most basic rule. I always start the ride into the wind, preferring to do the hardest work while I am fresh and preferring to ride the homeward leg in a direction where I feel really strong.

Today the wind was WSW when I left my house but two forecasters predicted a 5pm wind direction of NNW. I took a chance that they were right and that the wind shift would occur while I was out there.

I started out feeling really strong but after less than four miles I was suddenly confronted with a quite strong head wind. For the rest of the ride both north and west were directions which were a bit difficult. Lucky for me after about nine more miles I turned and thereafter rode mostly south.

We have had frost here but not a killing frost. As a result the decorative plantings in the yards of very many people are still flourishing. I didn't get an orange tree today but I did get these really swell orange flowers.Those flowers are next to the homeowner's garage. As I was lining up the shot the garage door began to rise and soon the old couple backed their car out. We ended up having a quite pleasant exchange. They were mostly happy to have such clear evidence of someone else enjoying the visual benefits of their growing season long labor.

I enjoyed that so much that I stopped at another yard in Shoreview.This one also has a second flower bed there across the driveway. I noticed as I started to ride away that the second one has a couple of rose bushes.

Very pretty.

I also inadvertently learned something today. I know this isn't hard but I hadn't done it before. Sometimes my camera settings get jostled while the camera rides in my jersey pocket. Today I didn't notice what the camera was set on until it failed to execute a shutter click when I pressed the shutter release button. I turned the camera up to get a look at what the problem might be. It should be obvious what setting I had.

I hope you all enjoy viewing that as much as I enjoyed taking it.

The timing of my rides recently is such that as I near home I often pass through an intersection being patrolled by the Brimhall School Patrol. Recently they have taken to calling out to me. A couple of weeks ago when I was wearing my Paris souvenir jersey they called out to "Uncle Sam" but I replied to them as I went past "France". One of the kids called out that explained why the jersey said "Paris" on it. Today I was wearing my Euskaltel jersey.

"Hey, what's up orange biker?"


Santini said...

Those are 'hardy mums.' They are, well, hardy, and will withstand some frosts.

What's up, orange biker? I like it.

TOPWLH said...

It made me LOL.

Jimi said...

Are those marigolds? They sure are orangey. TT

Santini said...

TT -- Chrysanthemums, I'm pretty sure. They are a mounding plant, and are green all summer, then bloom in the fall. They take some care to keep them trimmed back properly -- rule of thumb, keep them trimmed back until the 4th of July, then let them grow to get the mound shape. You see them available in the supermarket this time of year, for people without the patience to grow them themselves. Or I could be wrong.

jilrubia said...

Say, can I have that 7 seconds back I spent watching your video? Nah, groundbreaking stuff! You could make a short called: Pocket Shots.

Sorry to have to chime in, but I believe the first orange flowers are marigolds, and the second are short zinnias. The spiky leaves gave it away. Where's a pumpkin photo orange biker?