Monday, October 11, 2010

Floating holiday

Another OOTNDITHOD. 1936 must have been something because the last couple of days here have NOT set records for high temperature. 1936 continues to rule but it was 79 today and that's enough for me.

The wind couldn't really decide what direction it was blowing from as I started out which meant that I couldn't figure out what direction to ride. I ended up just sort of riding around. But that was OK, it was a beautiful day and that bicycle ride was the most important thing on my schedule.

I ended up down in the city again although in a completely different part of the city than I have been in recently. Although it felt like summer there are plenty of reminders that October is already flying by, like this front yard in the Como neighborhood.There is already a lot of that going on. I suppose that decorating for Halloween actually makes more sense than decorating for Christmas. You get better weather both for putting stuff up and for taking it back down.

Just a couple of blocks away from those ghouls I came across this beauty. I hope we can all agree that the color is orange.I have ridden and reported several times on Calvary cemetery, the early settlement Catholic cemetery. Today I found myself in the neighborhood of the early settlement Protestant cemetery, Oakland. Calvary is located on a hill in the north end from which you can easily see the Cathedral. Oakland is located on a hill in the north end right behind the Capitol.

This guy didn't die that long ago but I thought the spot was pretty picturesque.The Ordways don't have the large monument that most rich people have. However, they do have their own hedge.Calvary has the graves of the first Catholic bishops and archbishops and a field of graves of nuns and priests. Oakland has a monument to fire fighters.I thought that group of stones in the background might be fire fighters but it actually turns out to be Civil War veterans. That would be Civil War veterans as opposed to casualties of the Civil War. As Minnesota school children used to learn in their Minnesota history class (I wonder if they still teach that in school here) very many of Minnesota's casualties from the Civil War are buried at Gettysburg where on the second day of the battle the 1st Minnesota Volunteers suffered extremely heavy losses while holding the center of the line on Cemetery Ridge to help repulse Pickett's Charge.

I was in the neighborhood so I rode down to the government. This orange tree is in the shade so it may not show its color as well as some others but on the other hand being somewhat sheltered by that building it may be holding its leaves longer than some others.I took out my phone and called upstairs to see if anyone wanted to come out and play but couldn't get in contact with the likely truants. They were all away from their desks. However, Debbie did come over to the window and wave and I did run into Jon in the parking lot. It felt almost like going to work. Lucky for me today is the day I always take my floating holiday so I was able to ride my bicycle instead.

Bike Snob NYC manages to pull off on bicycle photography all the time so when I saw a salmon approaching today I went for my camera and tried to get a photo.She was not only salmoning, she had headphones. She seemed chagrined that I refused to yield the side of the road that she wanted to ride on. My position on salmon is that I am the one obeying the law, if one of us is going to have to swing out closer to traffic, it is going to be you. I absolutely hugged the edge of the pavement on the right and she finally figured it out and swung out to face traffic.


Unknown said...

Happy Floating Holiday Uncle Gene. It would be unreasonable to ask for a better day. Wish I could have been biking too. See you Sunday.

dune dweller said...

Happy Floating Holiday .... good one. I like that. It looks like you spent it wisely, on your bike.

I don't see many salmon, but I agree with your position -- don't enable their stupid behavior.