Sunday, July 26, 2009

I now need a new morning routine

Until this year my daily routine during le Tour de France was to set the timer to tape the morning TV coverage and go to work. Then upon arriving home I rode my bicycle and then watched the tape. This month I must admit that it took me a bit to adjust to watching the race live. I dashed from the TV room to the computer monitor, preferring the larger TV image when it was available, but obviously preferring the live on line coverage when Versus went to commercial.

Now what? Is the America's Cup on or something? Actually, I know that in about 3 weeks Versus will have coverage of the World Track and Field Championships.

We hustled out the door almost immediately after George's flamme rouge surge and Renshaw's exemplary lead out produced what may have been Cavendish's most resounding stage win yet. We rode out to Vadnais into a bit of a head wind, enough of a head wind that on the way back with a tailwind we rode the uphill from the Rice Street underpass (don't forget, brand new pavement) at 23 mph. Yup, unhill at 23 mph. Fast? Strong?

The corn is still stretching for the sky. I don't think it will get very much taller as it has begun to tassel out and I believe that from that point forward the plant begins to pour all of its primal energy into producing the cobs.She is only one row back into the corn field and even with that quite small invasion she is nearly invisible, but TOPWLH is most assuredly there, performing one of her most important bicycle related functions, holding her hand up for scale.

Rest in Peace Harry Patch.


Anonymous said...

Wow. Mr. Patch sounds like a legend. Thanks for the link, don't know if I'd've seen it otherwise. Beautiful day, nice corn. Should maybe scan/photocopy/xerox/mimeograph (whatever you prefer) TOPWLH's head and place the likeness on a stick like some talking heads on local tv stations do for the state fair. THAT could peek above the corn.

Santini said...

Nice corn. Are we playing "I Spy?" If so, I spy BB.

Santini said...

Oh, Jilrubia, I believe the correct acronym is TOPWLT, not TOPWLH. Only GZ gets to refer to her as TOPWLH. Arcane, I know.