Wednesday, July 29, 2009

All time Major League record

I have lived in a city with major league sports since 1964. To be completely objective, I have been an infrequent attendee of performances by these sports teams. But I have always to at least some extent followed these teams. I do not recall ever that an all time record has been set here by any of the teams or by any opponents of the local teams in games played locally.

Last night I attended a game at the Metrodome featuring the Minnesota Twins and the Chicago White Sox in which Sox pitcher Mark Buehrle set an all time major league record. Perhaps pretty obviously, this is the first time that I have ever been present for such an event.From the Minneapolis Star Tribune: "White Sox pitcher Mark Buehrle made a bid Tuesday night to become the first pitcher in major league history to toss back-to-back perfect games.

Along the way, the lefthander set a new major league record for consecutive batters retired at 45, including the first 17 he faced against the Twins."

In unfinished business, today I went to work and spoke to Steve the new surveyor, the guy who replaced Judy. Somewhat surprisingly to me, Steve stated that he has always believed that it is Larpenteur that is laid out along the 45th parallel. But he proved to be completely at ease with the research tools available to him to check. He knew something about Google Earth that I didn't, that you can get it to display latitude and longitude as an overlay on the earth scene.

He confirmed for both of us that the 45th is much closer to Roselawn than to Larpenteur. According to Google Earth, in fact, the 45th is just slightly north of Roselawn, in fact, almost exactly at the location of that monument in stone featured yesterday. The explanation given by Steve is that modern measurement instruments and techniques may have established that the current accepted location of the 45th is slightly north of where it was believed to be at the time the cities of Minneapolis and Saint Paul were laid out. I believe that a reasonable explanation would be that the monument in the stone is within "an acceptable margin of survey error" of the actual location of the 45th.

Another item of unfinished business is the legal description of the quarter-quarter section that is the location of my personal residence. I have liberated that previously described post it from service to the man and in the shorthand notation that we commonly use in the public land business I live in the SENW 16-29-23. More formally that would be the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter, section 16, township 29 north, range 23 west of the 4th principal meridian, Ramsey County, Minnesota.

The final bit of unfinished business is the location of my personal residence in relationship to the 45th and whether or not I live in the "True North". At one point during my history of employment I used resources available, primarily USGS quad maps (insiders will know what that means) to calculate the approximate longitude and latitude of my personal residence. I choose not to post these in this public forum. There is already a little too much personal information creeping in. But I have those coordinates estimated to degree, minute and second. Anyone wishing to check my figures may respond in the comment section with an e-mail address and I will provide my estimates to people I trust. The short answer is that according to the USGS quads my latitude is several seconds north of 45.

As may be obvious I worked today. It was a burden, not an intolerable burden, but an undeniable burden. They had lots of stuff they wanted me to do. As a result, even though it was nice enough to ride during the middle of the day by the time I got home it was looking pretty dicey and I was feeling a bit worn out. No ride today.

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