Wednesday, November 26, 2014


The baking crew got the major prep work done this evening.  This team has prepared cranberry bread together so many times that the roles are firmly established and each just gets about doing the assigned tasks.
 Look carefully and you may be able to spot a pie in the background.

I wasted that photo from 2010 that I used yesterday.  Sure enough we got a couple of inches of snow, enough to plow.  I went out and shoveled.
I had the same parka, the same boots, the same choppers.  It was not, however, the same snow.

But we're cleaned up and apparently ready to go for the big show tomorrow.


Santini said...

I do see a pie -- a fine looking pumpkin pie. It's quite near your other toaster. (!)

Mrs Smith said...

Yes, we work well together as a baking team. I prepare one ingredient (cutting all the cranberries in half--enough for two loaves) and she measures, sifts, stirs, and mixes together the other ten ingredients in the same amount of time! Yum.

Jimi said...

I'm looking forward to Cranberry Bread and all the trimmings.

Happy Thanksgiving.