Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Saved by Jimmy Fallon

So for this first one you might enjoy it more if you have already seen the Harvard baseball team parody.  But don't watch the Harvard boys if you have already seen them.  Just go ahead and jump directly to Jimmy and the original artist.

Harvard baseball.

Jimmy and Carly Rae put the baseball boys to complete shame.

I missed you so, so bad.

That's a real band playing toy instruments.  I particularly like the two guys on kazoo at the end.


Santini said...

That toy thing with the colored metal pieces that is struck with a yellow stick with a ball on it -- that thing? I just gave one of those away today.

Emily M said...

Santini - I think the word you're looking for there is marimba. At least, that's what the fancy percussion instrument is called. And he's my favorite. He's just so completely dedicated to playing his toy instrument really, really well.

The guys with kazoos are a close second.

Emily M said...

Wait, no - Xylophone! Marimba's are much, much fancier.

Gino said...

OK, I love the xylophone guy too. Also watch the ukelele guy. That is a professional guitar player in real life. There is no recorded guitar part in this video. Watch the guitar guy pick up the beat from the electronic drum machine (which Jimmy starts at the beginning) and launch into the guitar part on UKELELE. And watch he and the band leader (next to him on tambourine) when they both totally commit to back up vocals. Really good stuff, IMHO.

Gino said...

And Carly Rae on triangle.