Monday, November 25, 2013

A different take on going to the archives

This is my very first blog post on Blogger.  Back when I published this on March 21, 2007, I called it "Vernal Equinox".   The only change I made is that in line with current practice I went to extra large with the photo.  As a result focus seems to be an issue.

Darn cheap pocket camera.

No flood control ditch in 2007, that spruce across the street is a LOT larger now, there is now a varsity softball field including fence down at the far end of the field.


The first ride of the year is a long ride, no matter the actual distance.
There is still a fair amount of snow hanging around the end of my driveway but the field in the background is more indicative of the incipient springtime. It is warm enough to ride and has been for a while but the state of the roads has kept me from actually heading out. I hate riding in the slush and as evidenced by the still receding puddle on the cul-de-sac, the snow melt isn't quite over yet.

This is my former winter bike but as I did not ride this winter (or last), it is now my early spring, late fall, bad road conditions bike. It is a Bianchi Axis, a cyclocross bike featuring a higher bottom bracket, aluminum frame, and wider tires, qualities which make it more appropriate for riding on roads still covered with the sand put down for traction purposes during the heart of winter.

On the road again.

EDIT:  I still have that photo on my computer (in a folder called Bicycle07).  I went back and uploaded the photo from original and voila:  focus issues disappear.  The message is beware of relying on image quality of images stored on Blogger.


Santini said...

Ah, a bicycle cycling related post. I remember when I used to ride in cold weather. It wasn't fun, as I recall, which is at least part of why I no longer do it.

BDE said...

This year (well, actually 2014) our daughter will be getting married on or near the VERNAL EQUINOX!
Let's hope it is a nice enough day that people could ride a bicycle to the party.