Sunday, November 17, 2013

Ride photos

It was dusk by noon yesterday, not quite as early today, but a couple of November days in the middle of November reinforces my pleasure with my November bicycle ride.

It was a great day on Friday and I hadn't ridden for a while.  Probably things that in mid-season wouldn't have seemed as photo worthy seemed pretty darn photogenic on this late season ride.

So here's the clean-up, the rest of the pictures I took that day.

I had already toured the Fairgrounds and mindful of the end of the season wanted to revisit at least one lake on my bicycle.  The one easily within range was Lake Como.

It is late in the season for pedestrians too which meant that the whole dual path thing at Como actually seemed to be working pretty well, something which it most assuredly does not do during, oh, for example, late April, May, June, July, August, September or early October.  The pedestrian path is closer to the lake and therefore nominally more scenic.  On this day there were few enough pedestrians (and zero bladers) so that the only person on the bike path was moi.  I did something I do not believe I have ever been able to accomplish before.  I rode completely around the lake on the bike path.

So I got down to the far (south) end and I was looking for that bicycle tool station.  Instead I found this nice view of the lake looking north over the fishing dock.
That certainly looks like fall to me.  Like late fall in fact.

I was looking for a spot to photograph my bicycle near the lake when I was able to sneak around a rock and get a relative close up of the wildlife.
Wildlife photography can be pretty tricky.  You try to line something up and the wildlife just won't cooperate.  But then every once in a while you find yourself standing there with your cheap pocket camera instead of your nice camera and the wildlife decides to put on a show.

I had found a nice spot for the bicycle photograph.  I was taking multiple exposures, fooling a bit with the zoom and the settings, on the theory that it isn't film, it is just memory and I would later on submit whatever exposures I had to a rigorous selection process to decide on the best one for publication.  At that moment without any advance warning whatsoever the wildlife decided to put on a show.
I tried and succeeded I think in getting one with both my bicycle and the wildlife in the shot.  They look pretty good just rising off the lake in silhouette against the lake.  I got another shot that fails aesthetically as they had bare trees as a backdrop.  But as they came by my photo spot and started to put the startling sky behind them I had to leave the bicycle mostly out of the shot.
There is still just a hook of a drop bar down there in the corner but the geese are starting to fly.

It was a fun moment on a day of very nice bicycle cycling.

It really seems like fall over there but the light seemed like the best I have had for a long time to get an across the lake shot of the pavilion.
So, that's that.  I am out of photos from Friday's ride.  The weather forecast for tomorrow indicates walking but upper 40s for Tuesday and Wednesday.  I am hoping for at least one more, two would be nice.

Three would be outstanding.

Despite my prolonged abandonment of the bicycle exercise form, I am pleasantly surprised to discover that the season may not be over.


Emily M said...

Most excellent wildlife photography. it certainly looked like a perfect day (in November) for biking.

Santini said...

Multi part ride reports are fun, at least to me.

I like the middle 3 photos quite a bit -- nice and crisp, nice light. I like the one of the geese silhouetted against the sky the best.

November bicycle cycling miles are bonus miles.

BDE said...

I was a pedestrian on Friday, walking around the lake on my way home from stopping by the office to pick up my work for the weekend. Too bad I did not see you. I noticed several of the views you photographed. It was a spectacular November day.

Jimi said...

Those are photos of some very familiar territory. Como is a really nice urban lake.

I like the shot of the geese rising from the lake. I assume they are on their way to foul a nearby golf course.