Friday, November 22, 2013

Hot spot

I was looking out the window this morning.  There was a car parked in the cul-de-sac, not outrageously out of the ordinary in the big scheme of things but usually on a Friday morning when a car parks in front of my house I know who it is.

A person got out of the car, produced what at this distance appeared to be a tablet device, fired up a heater and then . . . well, and then just sorta stood there gazing at the screen and having a smoke.
Curious is what I says to myself.

By the way I may have been premature with yesterday's declaration of winter.  The precipitation let up and we really didn't get anything like snow cover.  On the other hand, it was most definitely winter cold out there today.

Also by the way, Friday is trash day.

So we contemplated the scene for a bit and here is what I decided.  She was using my not password protected wireless internet.

We are a hot spot.

That's it for today.

1 comment:

Santini said...

Free WiFi. I guess that's what passwords are for. Still, seems strange. How did she find you? I

Winter is just playing with you. It's here.