Friday, November 29, 2013

Cleaning up the leftovers?

I suppose most people probably are.

Time passes so, so quickly.  There were some young moderns at Thanksgiving who had never even heard of Bob and Doug McKenzie and their epic ground breaking Canadian content television series, The Great White North.  To be fair, in checking into this I read the Wikipedia article that says they were popular in 1982 and 1983.  Which was, of course, before they were born.

We were explaining to them about the party game popularized by this show, "Beer Hunter".  It turns out that "Beer Hunter" was not a bit on the show, it is a cut on the comedy record album released at the height of the faux brothers popularity.

They also had a movie, Strange Brew.

I already knew the song (and the capitol city) but most of my Canadian accent and slang came from Bob and Doug.

So, take off, eh.  Nice toque hoser.


Santini said...

Bob and Doug. It's been a while.

TOPWLH said...

Beer Hunter!! I think we had a party around this time with rooms designated for different activities (eating, playing cards, listening to comedy albums). Beer Hunter was not allowed in the house, I remember.