Friday, November 15, 2013

A day nice enough for bicycle cycling

I was pretty sure I would get at least one more ride this year, I just didn't know it would be on a day as nice as today was.
I have ridden very little for the last month so I was pretty uncertain about my bicycle fitness.  I decided to keep the ride pretty close to home, just in case.  Good pavement close to home always includes a thorough examination of the Fairgrounds.

It is amazing the stuff that goes on over there without me knowing about it if I just let my attention wander for a month.  Earth movers, construction fences, torn up pavement and a horde of men are currently quite busy over there.  A former door prize winner at Teen Age Danceland might be surprised to see that the successor attraction at that location, Heritage Square, has been razed.
The construction project extends all the way around that northwest quadrant of the grounds including complete removal of the last vestiges of the race track.
The signs warning bicyclists and others to stay out of the construction areas refer to the construction project by name as the "West Gate" project.  That makes it my guess that there will be some sort of new entrance portal over there.

I was in the neighborhood and I wanted a photo of my bicycle so I rode up to where I knew there would be a tree I could lean the bicycle against.
My bicycle fitness was not excellent but it was still pretty good and I can report that riding to that location on my bicycle was considerably less taxing than walking over there.  Something to do with chain drives and mechanical advantage, I think.

Actually, I have several more photos from today but November is a long month and with the infrequency of actual rides in my current schedule I think I am going to embargo a few and publish probably a three day report of this November ride.

So, more on all of that later.


Santini said...

Bicycle cycling in November is rare, and yours looks fun. I look forward to the future installments.

I recognize some bicycle bloggers influence here. Apparently we read some of the same ones.

Former door prize winner at Teen Age Danceland said...

I am not unhappy about Heritage Square being razed. I have hardly spent any time there (except to talk to our local Watkins supplier once) since winning tickets to see Simon and Garfunkel and a half dozen or so popular vinyl albums.

Former door prize winner at Teen Age Danceland said...

Oh, I just remembered, I was the 10,000th entry (or some such high number) and I also won a watch (nicest one I had ever had up to that point).

Jimi said...

It looks like those cows have become your theme for November. A good choice.