Friday, November 30, 2012

Plugger update

I may have a TV that weighs more than 100 pounds but in my defense I am at least aware of this, the most watched YouTube video EVER:

I like it, it makes me want to get up and dance.

As I post this video has been viewed more than a fairly astonishing 855 MILLION times. A couple of dozen of those have been me.

I found a comment on a PSY video that says that "Gangnam Style" is a Korean neologism mainly associated with upscale fashion and a lavish lifestyle of a sort associated with trendsetters in Seoul’s Gangnam district. Gangnam is considered the most affluent part of the Seoul metropolitan area. So the song and video is about a guy living the Seoul version of a yuppie lifestyle, the good life. Or what the Parisians would call "Les Bobos". Life at the pool, fancy cars, horses, saunas, sexy ladies, boats, workout classes, hot tubs, that sort of thing, all while riding the invisible horse. You know, Gangnam style. I most like his fantastic take when he first meets the orange haired sexy lady on the subway at about 2:10. THAT's good acting.

Korean neologism, I know there is at least one person reading this who is going to appreciate that.

So for me that's how this version of National Blog Every Day For a Month Month ends.

With me feeling like dancing.

Gangnam Style.


Jimi said...

I have to admit that I was one of those 855 million viewers even before you used it in the blog.

It's a wonderful world.

BDE said...

This is FABULOUS and I am practicing the moves!

Emily M said...

Ah, Gangnam Style. Not only is it awesome, but it ousted Justin Bieber from the top spot. Well done, South Korean pop star dude, well done.