Sunday, November 4, 2012

A very ugly day for bicycling

I was up at 7am again today and I don't know, it doesn't seem so bad at 7am after all. I guess we aren't domed after all. I will say, however, that I am more than a tiny bit concerned about 4:30pm. It's night time already, not full night, but clearly no longer day.

There were quite a few other riders out there today, considering it was cold and grey (see photos, try to find some color) I was a bit surprised. On the other hand, for those who actually have a job this may well be the last daytime ride of the year.

I rode down into the big city. I had just crossed the city limit when I came across a campaign sign which has passed from its former use as advocacy into the category of cherised souvenir.
It was just over 10 years ago when Senator Wellstone's campaign plane crashed setting off the chain of events which led Minnesota to have a satirist for a Senator.

Here's an unmistakable sign of the impending season, one that I post nearly every year, it is the arrival of the outdoor hockey rink boards at Langford Park.
I was intending to ride to the Confluence but something made me want to check the Falls one last time.
There is a very small trickle of water going over the edge but what I like about the photo is the absence of color.

Here is today's homemade political message.
I am guessing those people are Canadians, eh?

Beyond all of the various messages though here is the only one that is really important enough to be a call to every single person who is eligible. The one big word overshadows all of the little words on the sign in the same way that the right to vote overshadows your right to do all of those other things to possibly influence the course of society.
Voting is one of my favorite things to do, I even vote in virtually uncontested school board primaries. It just feels so responsible to actually show up and exercise my franchise. So I will be voting. I know that somebody is going to win, somebody is going to lose for each and every election contest. Everyone who wants to have any influence on who the winners and losers are should show up and vote.

We'll be there.


Retired Professor said...

Love the photo of the falls.

Sunset here was about 5:30. I think we're domed.

TOPWLH said...

Love both the signs and your commentary. I was not outdoors at all today but did notice that it was dark at 5:30. What's up with that?

Jimi said...

The beautiful Minnehaha Falls looks more like a big sink hole. Pretty sad.

I'll be exercising my franchise, too. It's the least I can do as thanks for the opportunities the republic has granted me and every other citizen.

Emily M said...

Yeah, dark at 5-5:30 is definitely a sign of impending dome.

I too will be exercising my franchise tomorrow. My place of work is only 15 mins from my polling place, so I think I'll take some time off in the middle of the afternoon to do so. I hear it's not quite as busy at that time of day.

Most excellent signage.