Thursday, November 26, 2009

A rideable Thanksgiving

But not even I am loony enough for that.

We had a relaxed morning around the house. A brief check of the "tubes" has revealed to me that a picture very similar to this one has already been posted. But this is the only picture I have today, so here's my version of the view out our front window.

The Turkey Bowl has been played in the field next to our house on at least every Thanksgiving Day that we have been here to witness it, including at least a few when the game was conducted in fairly deep snow.

The weather today was nice enough that more players showed up to play than could be accommodated in a single game. Therefore, for the first time that I know of since we have lived here and as pictured below, two simultaneous iterations of the Turkey Bowl, one visible on each side of the tree.They were gone by noon and we left shortly thereafter for a family turkey feast. I made pumpkin pie before we went and the gravy after we got there. The cranberry bread was provided by others within my little family unit and the rest of the feast was prepared by others from my larger family unit.

If the weather turns out as is currently predicted I will be bicycling at a little past noon tomorrow.

1 comment:

Retired Professor said...

Thanksgiving was not a rideable day here, but I had enough on my plate -- interesting choice of words -- that I wouldn't have ridden even if it hadn't rained all day.

We had our first measureable snow last night, in theory. (Channel 8). There are a few flakes frozen to my railing on my deck, but it was colder inland, so they may have had some real snow. High of 40 here today sounds cold.

Turkey bowl? Your name or theirs?