Sunday, November 8, 2009

12 miles for each and every day

It was another nice day here even though a bit short of the niceness threshold set in Michigan. It was nice enough to ride and I did.

The detour is over at Dead Man's Curve. It seems apparent to me that the bridge work was done by the railroad and that there will now need to be street work done by the city. The pavement underneath the bridge is completely unchanged although the center line has been restriped. More evident from the restriping than it was from the previous configuration is that this bit of business calls for a double turn underneath a double overpass. Dead Man's Curve.I mostly rode around the neighborhood looking for piles of leaves more impressive than ours intending to photograph the really big piles. Eventually I settled for a photograph of the most impressive pile.That's us folks. Thanks again to Wireless for her invaluable assistance in the process.

I am back on my own computer. The whole restore process went quite a bit better than I expected. It turns out that the software installation on the hard drive of this computer includes a partitioned recovery section. I had the disc to start the process but quickly learned that I didn't even need the disc, that I could have started recovery from the start menu with an F11. The recovery was remarkably fast, Windows reloaded in about 15 minutes, including that it reloaded not just the original installation Windows XP, it reloaded the Service Pack 2 that I had previously installed. The 61 Gateway installed applications took a bit longer to install but I am pretty much done. I saved my pictures and my music to the new external hard drive and saved my Firefox bookmarks to a flash drive. They have all been recovered and I am like totally up and running, including my bookmarks. Of the things I was worried about, I have some Windows Updates installing right now but McAfee reinstalled without any difficulty and is back up to full capacity already. I do have to install some other software, I need Corel before my BikeLog will be fully operational. I also need my scanner software and I will need to download Picasa and Google Earth again.

I also need to wait a bit while the Windows Updates install before I can add the photos for today, but other than that . . .

Today's ride took me to 4,390 miles for the year. Divide that by 365 and I have ridden 12 miles for each and every day of the year. It has been a while since I reached this milestone. I may comment more when I get my BikeLog up to full operational status.

Noon+1:30 EG60 CB59 WG68. A nice day.


gfr said...

What is it about the cattle barn? There's an irrational consistency to those numbers. Any/all of those numbers are nice numbers for November 8.

Deadman's curve looks a good bit like Deadman's Curve, I believe somewhere near Marble. Or Calumet. Or Pengilly. I forget, but you know -- Hwy 169.

Very impressive leaf pile. That's a lot of work.

Glad to hear you're recovering (your computer, I mean) without too many complications.

My numbers are nowhere near as impressive as yours, but I'm happy enough with them. I'd like to do 10 miles per day before the year is out, but that may be more than Mother Nature will allow. Although OSLO pointed out today that summer riding resumes for me about December 16th. So my off season isn't likely to last too long this year. Congrats on your dozen miles per day this year.

Emily M said...

The miles are truly impressive, well done. Maybe next year I can dream of coming close. :-)

Ours was the most impressive pile? Well done, trees. And possibly, also well done to the rakers.