Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Last one

I really, really want at least one more ride. This morning looked a lot like yesterday except maybe a little wetter. But it looked on the weather radar like there was a chance for an afternoon break. I kept checking all morning and it was never actually raining outside. I convinced myself that the streets were drying. Right up until the very last minute I was committed to go, telling myself that it was only damp, that I would find plenty of dry enough pavement.

At lunch time I went to get my bicycle costume. I took one last look out the window and saw . . . raindrops splashing into the puddles. Not lots of raindrops, but unmistakably raindrops splashing into the puddles. Puddles don't seem much like damp either, actually, puddles seem like wet.

So no ride today.

I should have rationed these sign photos, it looks like I have run out. This is the last one I have.

This is at the corner of Garden and Hamline on the border between Roseville and Falcon Heights. It is a solar powered crosswalk signal.I have two comments. First, we are very green here. Second, it wasn't nearly as nice a day when I took this photo as the day I took the no trucks sign on Summit.

I hope they have some sort of back up power arrangement like gerbils in a treadmill or something because there hasn't been enough sun the last two days to keep even a dim light shining.


gfr said...

It is the biggest problem with solar power -- no sun, no power. Same with wind. Back up generating power idling in the background..... not exactly eco-friendly.

I'm not positive that the last ride has been ridden. It's getting sketchy, though.

Retired Professor said...

I'd hoped to ride today, but puddles line my driveway, and I need to bake some pies for tomorrow. Maybe Friday. This last little bit is difficult.... giving up is hard to do. Someone needs to write a song about it.