Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Last day

It is her birthday and she may not think this is a terribly flattering image but she should watch out for her Dad with a camera when she drops in on a weekend.Happy birthday, Miss Wireless.

It was my last day today. I cleaned up and here is all of my stuff, in one box as advertised.The new proprietor of the wooden chairs was present and witnessed that the boxful is all of the stuff I had to take home.

Three weeks vacation and I will be making the first of two cameo appearances but today feels very, very much like the end.

Okay, what comes next?


Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS! (Yes, I mean to be shouting) Awesome boxing job. Glad to see you weren't just blowing smoke all those years ago. As to your question...You must find a quaint place to have coffee every morning at 8:30 am, dressed in flannel and a baseball cap. Prepare to discuss the crazy lunatics in Washington and any physical ailments you may have. After that, um...ride your bike?

Very best wishes, enjoy your freedom...jilrubia

gfr said...

Good boxing job. You'll find out what comes next when it gets here, I expect. It will seem like an extended vacation for a while. Then you'll put together a schedule that works for you, adding and subtracting until it gets comfortable. Maybe plant a garden. (I'm joking, of course.) You haven't had this much freedom of choice since you were 18. (I'm lying, but that's what I was told when I retired, so I'm passing it on.)

Good luck on the cameo appearances ... I kept making them (for money, of course) for 10 years before I walked out of the office as a teaching professor for the last time. At least, I think it was for the last time .....

Unknown said...

...and it remains to be seen - who will be next to throw the captain's rubber tree overboard?

Bon Voyage!
