Thursday, June 4, 2009

These fellows are not that odd

I have a CLE tomorrow so today was the more or less end of the last time I will spend a full week at work. As I say, CLE tomorrow, two days next week, a Wednesday and Thursday followed by a Monday and Tuesday in July, and finally a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at the end of July followed by the first Monday and Tuesday of August (followed by two weeks on the scenic and relaxing shores of Lake Michigan) are all I have left. So today ended the last time I will ever HAVE to work four days in a row.

It feels good.

It was warmer today and I rode without a jacket for the first time in several days. It felt good.

I have to ride down a steep hill, which means, of course, I have to ride back up that same hill, but I rode down there today for this view of Lake Josephine:The picture was taken in front of this building:I am not sure all of that is legible but it says, "IOOF, St. Paul Lodge No. 2, 1971".

IOOF is the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. The Wikipedia page on the Odd Fellows states that the order's mandate as stated in its recruiting brochure, is "To Improve and Elevate the Character of Mankind." That seems like a good thing to aspire to.

This is Saint Paul lodge number 2, I also quite regularly ride past lodge number 1. Number 1 is located in the same South Saint Anthony neighborhood as the emerald ash borer infestation. I will try to get a picture of lodge number 1 the next time I am over there (which will be the next time the wind blows from the south).

My conclusion is that these fellows are not really that odd if they are smart enough to select and acquire this spot and then build their lodge there. It looks like a way nice spot to me.


gfr said...

People boating and tubing on inland waters. Ahhh. Time to pretend it is summer.

Didn't Dad have some story that he told that had the punch line, "them's odd fellows"?

T. Tousan said...

I think it was "them's Longfellows."

You're a poet, but don't know it,
But your big feet show it."


Retired Professor said...

TT -- different story, I think. I remember the Longfellow story.