Saturday, June 6, 2009

All day rain, as predicted

I believed the forecast yesterday and knew that the guest rider was most likely not going to be available today to pose amongst the corn plants. The corn is really coming along well despite the apparent drought and I didn't want too much time to go by without showing its progress. I took a picture of the corn yesterday with every intention to post it here today.I was informed just as I headed towards the keyboard to make this post that TOPWLH (aka guest rider) had made a comment on another blog about how pictures from here of the corn field always include a human for scale. Well, never mind on that detail.

I read an article about the emerald ash borer infested trees recently removed in South Saint Anthony. The state department of agriculture estimated that the infestation in those trees was about four years along. Which means that the borer has been here for at least four years.

Here is a tree I just happened to pause near one day last week.I think it is an ash and I think it bears the unmistakable signs of ash borer infestation. The already identified infestation is 3 or 4 miles to our south. This tree is located about 5 or 6 miles north.

I am now officially entertaining nominations for trees to replace our two ash trees. I am also thinking that we need to go back to the house where we used to live and volunteer to pay for replacement of the tree we planted there, the Emily tree.

1 comment:

gfr said...

LOL I feel a bit sad for TOPWLWY, though. She did JUST comment about a biker in the cornfield, for scale. Ah, well. Nice corn.

Good luck with the ash. Some trees will survive the infestation.