Saturday, November 21, 2015


This month has been mostly blogging about the past with the use of photos from the archives.

Today I actually went outside and took a photograph and was amused that I seemed to have forgotten which slot on my computer the SD card goes into to allow transfer from camera to computer.

But it isn't that hard and I figured it out.

As predicted the big winter storm stayed south of us so bicycling remains at least an option.  I heard a report that Worthington got 8 inches of snow.

We had none but bicycling was not on my list of probable activities after getting a look at the street.
We had three days of rain before the cold snap and apparently the snap snapped before all of the rainwater could find its way into the street drains.

It isn't snow, and it isn't the first picture of ice I have seen but it is what we have here:  green grass and ice.


Emily M said...

That is definitely more impressive ice than my photo. Also, I am trying to figure out where you took that photo. Sort of by Dan's house?

Santini said...

I certainly wouldn't ride a skinny tired bicycle when there is any of that stuff around. Rubber side down, and all.

Gino said...

North side of the street, next door to Tom.