Sunday, April 10, 2011

Windy . . .

. . . and WARM.

EG: 73 CB: 71 AOWG: 75

The mercury passed the threshold at which I go bare legged for the first time. As is usually the case, I just adjusted the shorts to the still visible tan line on my legs from last season and headed out. I kept a base layer and arm warmers and at the start I was glad of it. The portions of the ride into the quite strong wind were still coolish. The wind had a bit of a bite.

But I spent most of the ride with the arm warmers pushed down. TOPWLH got a photo after I returned home.That is exceptionally pasty skin visible in places which have been sleeve covered for the past five months.

1 comment:

Retired Professor said...

It'll brown up fast, I predict.

The grass around your cul-de-sac is green!