Monday, April 18, 2011

Too cold again but not snowing

This winter business didn't really bother me that much during the time span when we were all out there in the middle of it. I bought my goggles, I got out for an hour just about every single day. It was winter, what we got was expected and expectable. In fact, December through February, the dark months, were, for me, about the best winter in memory.

But part of the reason behind all of that is that I am not a bicyclist during those months. I don't expect to be able to ride.

However, I am now beginning to come around to the belief that this has been the most evil winter of my entire life. It started WAY too early, the first snow coming at least a month earlier than some other recent winters. And IT WON'T GO AWAY!!!

It was too cold again today: EG 44, CB 44, AOWG 52. It was too cold but at least it is not snowing.

Stay tuned.

I rode down into the big city. I found some baseball at Saint Thomas. Here the Tommies are finishing up infield practice before what I assume will be a double header against Bethany.Hmmm, Bethany? I think there is a Bethany in Mankato. Black uniform tops, red and black caps, a few fans in the bleachers wearing red, that's about all the information I have.

I found a new mural on the side of the Creative Lighting store on Concordia Avenue near Snelling. I endorse the message.But I am not sure I endorse the image used to illustrate the message. Today's quiz is name as many really egregious bicycle faux pas as you can identify.The ride home took me past Lake Como. The last time I rode this route the lake still had ice so I thought it important, given recent weather, to illustrate again that the lakes are now ice free.It was too cold again but at least it is not snowing. Stay tuned.


Jimi said...

No helmet? Inappropriate footwear? No brakes on the bike.

Santini said...

No spokes on wheels, glossing while riding, riding a single speed in the wrong colorway? One handlebar. And the list is endless really. Still, a nice billboard photo.

My sympathies for the assault on your bicycling season. I will stay tuned.

Santini said...

I don't see cranks or pedals, artistic license, I suppose. Eye protection. How egregious does it need to be?