Sunday, April 24, 2011

Average felt good today

Well, actually almost average. Today's high temperature may yet reach the average for this date but it was at least a couple of degrees below average when I was out riding. But I am not complaining, I am going to go with "average" and I am going to say that average felt good today, very good.

I rode over into Minneapolis, partly because of wind conditions, partly because I wanted to examine the scene at 15th Avenue SE and 4th Street. There is another one of these newly located to that intersection.Actually according to the account that I read in the Minneapolis based newspaper there may be THREE new ones of those. This one was a bicycle-dump truck collision, the sort of thing that can never, ever go well for a bicycle. The news account I read did not reach any conclusions about fault but did hint that there was a failure to yield right of way by either the bicycle or the dump truck.

My life experience says that dump trucks always have the right of way.

I crossed over onto the west side of the river for the first time this year and rode up the river road on the downtown side for a bit. I stopped in one of the riverside park areas, drank some water and interfered with the image of the Grain Belt sign.Or maybe I interfered with the image of that tree in the latter stages of leaf bud by including the sign as distraction.

Average felt very good today.

1 comment:

Retired Professor said...

Be careful out there. An issue during both spring and fall -- I think -- is that drivers aren't expecting cyclists to be sharing their streets. I could be wrong.