Thursday, April 14, 2011

More progress

I decided not to ride today even though it is not raining. There are very, very few days during potential riding season when if it is not actually raining I do not ride. The temperature outside right now is 43 and I just decided that after 72 one time, a couple of upper 60s and consistent 50s that a retreat to 43 was asking too much. I have the gear but I decided it is too cold.

There was progress, however. I got this picture out my front window.My street being swept is a definite good thing but does not necessarily spell the end of the line for the early season bicycle. I need to keep riding the low pressure and wide tire bicycle until I have ridden it over all of the places I usually ride and have found all of those places to be winter road debris clear. Riding the high pressure skinny tire bicycle into one of those deep piles of sand and broken glass would be most unpleasant. I intend to be sure that ALL of the streets are clear before I bring out the good bicycle.

But this IS progress.

1 comment:

Retired Professor said...

It is a good sign when you start to get a little picky about the temperatures in which you will ride. The early riding season is solidly upon us. Watch out for more snow, though.