Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Twenty years of schooling and they put you on the day shift

So I have left the building for the last time. Thank you very much to my co-workers, both current and some former, for the swell party. I greatly appreciate the time, effort, and the thoughts behind such an impressive spread. The cake:As I said at the party, special thanks to all of the people who shared the day shift with me. I also said this to a few people and I wish I had said it to all, a paraphrase of another line from Bob:

When we meet again I hope we can be introduced as friends. It is my hope that I have done my part to make that true.


Jimi said...

Congratulations on your graduation.

PP remarks that, "Those can't be your shoes. The legs attached to the feet are not beautiful enough." TT

Retired Professor said...

That is a very nice looking cake, and proves that the people who work with you know you fairly well. (Except for the cake part.) We don't compartmentalize as well as we think we do.

Anonymous said...

So glad to meet Ms. Wireless and TOPWLH today! I mean, they are nearly internet icons! It was really fun to travel a bit down memory lane and feel all the heartfelt good wishes for you. Enjoy your free time, and your fancy watch. Please tell Mrs. Smith her watch is beautiful too. Now you can REALLY relax. best wishes...jilrubia

Unknown said...

Good party!

Tomorrow will be different than every day I've reported to work for the last 16 years and 10 months. Thanks Gino, you made work a better place for everybody, every day, for a very long time. We'll miss you.
