Friday, May 22, 2009

Five day work weeks are a drag

But today was the end of the last time I will ever be doing that.

There is construction on Como complete with lane closures and traffic furniture. Rather than compete with the cars I detour through the Fairgrounds. This weekend there is a horse show at what they now call the Coliseum but which I still think of as the Hippodrome.This is the back entrance between the arena and the cow barn. I have absolutely no idea what class or category this is but I think it should be called, even if it isn't, horses with people wearing dark colored clothing. I am pretty sure it isn't anything to do with "hunt" as for that group there are always at least a few people wearing red.

I also passed by Como where geese fecundity was on display.They may look cute now but geese, like rabbits, are vermin, and extremely messy vermin at that. I am a long time advocate of some sort of open season on geese. I am opposed to a firearms season in the city, for obvious reasons, but I am willing to consider a season where if you could catch it and wring its neck you could keep it and take it home to roast. The geese are currently way, way too comfortable around human beings. A hungry crowd chasing after them for even a couple of weeks once a year, say in the fall, would go a long way towards restoring a much more natural order to the urban geese-human relationship.


gfr said...

Nice horses. Dressage, maybe? I'm more familiar with horses that pull hay wagons, and only barely that. I think we called them work horses. Or Babe and Toots.

How about a little bit of DDT in the bread everyone seems to want to feed to geese? In theory it weakens the shells on the eggs they lay, and cuts way, way down on their reproduction. At least that was the story we were told when they outlawed DDT.

Anonymous said...

Excellent use of the word fecundity.