Sunday, May 3, 2009

500th post

It turns out that Wireless was right, this whole biking thing IS totally bloggable.

And sometimes it can be shared.

Her stated ride parameters were always 60s and sunny and today those conditions rolled around. We got her bike down, pumped the tires, and TOPWLH set out on her first ride of the year. For the second of three bikes that I have prepared for the season this one came out of the rafters with a dead battery in the computer. Undaunted, she agreed to ride without one today. Without the odometer to distract her she rode 19+ miles, a noteworthy, even admirable effort on the first time out for the season.That's Island Lake. We ride past it all the time but I do not recall ever previously stopping for a photo, Babe for scale. As is evident in the photo, she rides a Bianchi.

On the way out there I saw this out of the corner of my eye causing us to circle around and go back for a photo. This is something you just don't see every day, a tennis court without any lines.I am sure that the explanation is that step 1 of re-surfacing is complete and that they will be coming around in the next few days to put the lines back on. Family history includes a chapter centered around painting lines on a tennis court, I leave that telling to one of the senior members of the clan. For some reason they always seem to have a more mature recollection of these events than I do.

This morning I saw the neighbor's cardinal in our back yard. I say the neighbor's cardinal because they are the ones who provide habitat and feed. The pair of birds do visit our yard with some regularity.I discovered that when my camera is set to AUTO that the digital zoom still works. This is a surprise, the flash has stopped working and the other functions seem to be disappearing one by one. The manual zoom still works but I thought the digital was gone. I was shooting on the P setting because . . . Well, I forget why I was shooting on the P setting but when you move it back to AUTO you get the digital zoom back.

Just a little tidbit of mostly useless trivia.


gfr said...

And she's brave. Short fingered gloves! I have yet to wear short fingered gloves since my return to the tundra. Good job, BB. (On the 19 miles, not the short fingered gloves.)

Santini said...

GZ -- Time for a new camera? And congratulations on 500 posts.