Saturday, May 16, 2009


Yesterday was another one of those days when it was nice enough to ride most of the day but I ended up with zero miles. It wasn't raining when I got home and some iterations of me would have started a ride. But I had checked the weather radar and I knew it was going to rain, and it did, at about the time I would have been far enough home to end up wet and cold. I am less upset about this than I was the last time I complained because I now am starting to become acclimated to the idea that this problem is about to go away.

Today dawned dead clear and deadly cold. It was crystal clear and very windy but through the window the day appeared as one of the prettiest days you will ever see. Looks were, in this case, quite deceiving. On a weather channel on the digital tier of my cable system (not THE Weather Channel, a local TV station weather channel) they were giving wind chill. At about 1:30 when I headed out the door it was 49 with a wind chill of 40. Yup, 40. It looked nice through the window but the weather that came across my handlebars was very cold, and very windy. But as I told TOPWLH when she reported that it was too cold for her to take a walk, there is no such thing as too cold, there is only not properly dressed for the conditions.

It is probably best to get this out of the way right away: The corn is up. You may have to blow this photo up a fair amount to get a clear view, but there are definitely rows of green there.I had a pretty specific mileage goal for today as can probably be gleaned from the title of the post. I wanted enough miles to reach 1,000 for the year. Along the way here is just about the only bicycle path that I ever ride on. This is in the Shoreview neighborhood behind Snail Lake School. The neighborhood appears to have been built in two waves and apparently by competing builders. There are North-South through streets but no way to get from the northern neighborhood to the southern on any but the main streets a half mile apart at the two ends. Except for this bicycle path.I like to cut through that neighborhood so I use this path. It is just the length of two lots, one facing this street, one facing that street down there where that tree appears to be growing in the middle of the path. That tree is actually across the street at the other end.

I didn't want to add any miles (see above mileage note) but I rode up to the gate of North Oaks and got a picture of their "Keep Out" sign and the guard house.This is the only road in. Fairly obviously they are pretty intent on keeping the common people at bay.

Vadnais was really pretty today. The bright blue sky and intense sunlight combined with the lake to present this vista at the north end of the lake:There were still lots of anglers about. The crowd was down from opening weekend but still quite a bit above mid summer norms.

I love Bike Snob NYC. Here is a public service announcement that he has created and posted on his blog about the bane of urban street riders everywhere, the wrong way rider, a species he has labeled as "Bike Salmon".In response to the comment question, yes, every thing will fit easily into one box. I think one of those handle boxes with the fitted cover will do nicely.

And the space committee has not made any threatening gestures towards my space just yet but management did produce a reference to "cleaning off my desk". I think once I am gone for a few days the emptiness will dawn on potential space claimants and plans will begin to be made.

As with the whole rain in the evening problem discussed above, I can feel the whole not caring thing coming on strongly.

1 comment:

gfr said...

Woo and Hoo. Nice mileage. Imagine the places you can ride without time constraints. Got any bike trip plans?