Saturday, June 14, 2008

I love the 8 lake tour

We left at about 10:30 while it was still not quite warm enough. But by the time we reached Lake Vadnais what has turned out to be another beautiful summer day had begun to assert itself.We had headed north despite a fairly strong west wind which the weather prediction sites said was going to gradually swing around to northwest. It was slighly southwest on the way out and instead of coming around the breeze freshened a bit. This led to headwind issues on the return trip.TOPWLH is sprawled along the side of the road. She proclaimed that she had spent the last few miles trying to pick out a spot where she could sprawl and this must have looked finally like the spot. Corn for scale.

In her defense, there was no whimpering although I believe there may have been some cursing.

The Oranje are indeed the Dutch.Here Ruud van Nistlerooy celebrates with teammate Joris Mathijsen, after scoring the opening goal against Italy on Monday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I sympathize with BB -- the 8 lake tour is a long ride, and a headwind returning is just totally unfair. Cursing is in no way related to whimpering.