Thursday, August 5, 2010

Some things change

I rode today starting at about 3:30 for reasons not worth mentioning or analyzing. But as a result of being out at that time I was on the roads with a completely different cast of characters than I am used to.

I had four different interactions with people in three different cars. The first two were with young men in a car that passed me twice. The third was with young women passing by.

I dunno, the level of intellect displayed by their comments is not a promising note for the future of the world. On the other hand, I fully recognize that one should not expect people who lean out of a car window to woohoo at a road bicyclist to be the flower of their generation.

The fourth encounter was much more cordial, a chance encounter with a friendly face, a fellow line worker at the factory where I used to work. A big Moohoo shout out to Mark.

I like orange but I do not approve of the message on this banner.The season is too short, I am not ready yet for signs of "Fall". I do like orange though.

And finally, lots of people, especially those who live where I live, may have already seen this. But I hadn't seen it until I stumbled across it recently on a hockey message board I sometimes read. I really like it a lot, it looks to me like everyone had an unacceptably huge amount of fun.

1 comment:

Retired Professor said...

Those guys had too much Red Bull.