Monday, August 2, 2010

FirstLOOK draws even

With today's miles the original LOOK has drawn even with the spring bicycle in miles ridden this year. The two stand temporarily exactly even but it is a safe bet that the road bike will soon (tomorrow?) draw into second place alone ahead of the cyclocross bike. Only the Michigan bicycle stands in the way of this being a final result for the season but with a few more rides the LOOK will exceed anything I have ever ridden in Michigan. It looks like a done deal. It remains to be seen if the bicycle can catch back up to the car. It doesn't seem likely but I bicycle more than I drive so who knows?

We have had sweet corn and tomatoes and other farm field fresh produce for a bit now but today I observed the first harvest of the year for the University fields. Those are tiny little, almost pretend wheat fields so I was not surprised to discover that they have a tiny little, almost toy combine.I rode a bit later than usual today and was rewarded by HOT, HOT, HOT. Dew points were in the low 70s with air temperatures in the . . . well here you go.

The Fair approaches and for the first time this year I discovered the time and temperature display on the Grandstand is working. Here's east end.Here's the cattle barn, as usual I think this one is the closest to being accurate.And in a bit of a surprise, the previously always inflated reading at the west end of the Grandstand is a degree below the reading at the east end.The sky almost always during the ride featured a heavy layer of clouds so the sun was never really burdensome. The air itself was pretty rude, however. It was so humid that for the first time this season I discovered that my jersey was wet with sweat. I usually discover, of course, that the sweat evaporates and keeps me cool. Today I was sweating faster than I was evaporating. It was a little strange but fortunately I recognized the signs of dehydration early enough to switch, on the fly, to the accelerated hydration schedule. I ran out of water but made it home without succumbing to confusion. It was hard work but it is supposed to be hard work. I had fun.


Anonymous said...

I didn't know that they made farm equipment that small.

Ah, the three temperatures from the fairgrounds. It must be almost fall.


TOPWLH said...

Yikes, don't say that! I don't even have all my grades done for summer term yet.
TOPWLH, I was surprised to find out you went biking in yesterday's oppressive heat. Better than walking, I guess, and it sounds like you really enjoyed it.