Monday, April 12, 2010

Photos abound

A little bit less warm.

A little bit more breezy.

Some clouds, therefore less sun with a prediction of possibility of afternoon showers.

Monday, most of the rest of the potential recreational users had other activities scheduled (work) that removed them as potential distractions.

Pretty nice day for a bicycle ride.

Many days (see yesterday) I ride and nothing presents itself to my senses as a photo opportunity. Some days just about everything I see looks like a picture.

I specialize in flowering shrubs and the variety available increases with each passing day. Today I saw a bunch of really nice shrubbery.

This one is withing a mile of home.The weather pages all suggested a possibility of thunderstorms beginning at about 3pm. My starting time of about 1pm meant that I was probably going to finish at about 3:30pm. I therefore set out to ride a route which would have me within sprinting distance of home by about 3 so that I could make that dash if necessary.

The wind was SE so I headed mostly east thinking that I could ride over to the neighborhood east of Como, setting as a goal the brow of the Wheelock Parkway hill.

Here's another shrub that I found in that Como-Wheelock neighborhood, a shrub which looks to me quite a bit different than those I have offered in the past. It isn't snow white, for one thing.Eventually I found myself at the brow of the Wheelock hill. It isn't particularly colorful but it does do a nice job of showing how big an obstacle this glacial valley is if I decide to ride to the east side. That's a big, big downhill on the way out followed by a big, big uphill to get out of that trench and a repeat of the process on the way back.Anyone who doesn't think Roseville is hilly doesn't ride a bicycle.

I got back across Dale and was exploring some areas where I have never really been when I came across yet another flowering shrub of a type which I think has never been pictured before. I had to ride up into the private driveway, something I am usually loathe to do, to get this angle.The following is a picture and note probably only of interest to tertiary geologists and persons who have recently discussed my driveway with me. I noticed after taking the shrubbery photo that the aggregate used in the mixture for the concrete for the driveway of the home with the above shrubbery seemed to have an unacceptable amount of spall.Please remember that I am NOT a geologist and I really don't know what I'm talking about.

I was near home as 3pm approached (within sprinting distance) when I rolled past these guys. This time the picture is of the cows with flowers in the background.I love those cows.

2nd edition of neighborhood watch:I would be most gratified if someone could find out for me if that bear is moving to Tennessee.

It hasn't rained, instead the day has turned progressively nicer as the rain passes to our south. Late afternoon today in Minnesota is turning out to be OOTNDITHOD.

For the first time this year I finished feeling still strong enough to do a few more things. Up until now it has taken a conscious effort to leave the house for additional errands. Today I felt just fine.

I do need to report, however, that after doing the errands I am feeling pretty knackered. Still, it was good to have the feeling. I felt good.


TOPWLH said...

Kind of a poetic post (very few paragraphs) with lovely pictures. Glad you felt good.

gfr said...

Nice spring shrubbery photos.

Nasty spall.

Love the cows.