Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Here are two pictures taken of the accumulation on top of our picnic table.

April Fool's morning, about 9am, just before the sun peeked through the cloud cover.About 8.25 inches.

April Fool's evening, about 6pm, an hour and a half before sunset.
Slightly less than 4 inches.


Anonymous said...

Good use of props. And nicely themish. It should all be gone soon. SS

Anonymous said...

That's a LOT of snow. High water content, heavy snow? We need a name for that ... Santini

Nice photos, idyllic scene.

Anonymous said...

Your gullible info talks about the Black-Scholes Options Pricing Model. Just so you know, it does exist and is widely used for ... hold it ... pricing options. SS

Their paper on first class tickets appears to be garbage. (WTMWB. What the market will bear.)