Saturday, September 26, 2015

Signs of Fall

These trees do not look very healthy, I suspect that might be part of the reason why parts of the trees are fully changed colors and have even lost most of the leaves.  But it was a pretty day and the juxtaposition of the wonderful fall lighting with the green and the orange and the blue sky appealed to me.
Here's an irritating sign of Fall, the first of the year but almost certainly not the last, a leaf that got caught in my brake creating an unpleasant scratching miscellaneous noise.
And as is often the case it turned out to be not quite that easy to remove it as it seems like pulling a leaf off the front fork should be.  I had to reach around on the inside to get a hold on the stem before the thing would relent and leave my bicycle alone.

Chapeau to my geology friends for teaching me to include an ordinary object from daily life to establish scale.  That's my foot.  It was a small leaf.

1 comment:

Santini said...

Leaves are bad when caught in that small space. Small twigs make even scarier noises. Still, I like the sound of bicycle wheels through leaves.