Sunday, September 13, 2015

2,016 miles this bicycle this year

My plan at the start of the season was to get the mileage on this bicycle high enough to allow for me to retire it (for now) and to then ride the bicycle that I built myself for the rest of this season and for the foreseeable future.  Well the future turns out to be not very foreseeable but it does look like I will reach the mileage goal for this bicycle.  How much my other bicycle gets ridden remains to be seen.

It was a stone beautiful blue sky today, yet more evidence that Fall is here.  The Fall lighting can make a sky just beyond the capacity of spring or summer lighting.  It probably does need to be said that those extremely cold and crisp days in mid-winter CAN produce a sky blue about as pretty as today.  But today was really a pretty blue and the temperature was 71F.

So that's a vote for today.

It was a little windy but I had a nice ride.  I am still looking around the newly crowd bereft Fairgrounds and still finding things that I think are interesting.  There were two of them today.

Here is the Fairgrounds contribution to the ongoing bench series.
Dedicated to a person who loved the Fair (according to the notes on the white attachments), Barbara Brown.  Anyone can buy naming rights to a bench and have it placed on the grounds during the 12 day run.  They put these things away for the rest of the year though so while this particular bench notes that for B. Brown there were never enough places to sit during the Fair this bench does nothing to alleviate the extreme shortage of places to sit anywhere outdoors on the Fairgrounds anytime during the non-Fair 353 days of the year.

Of course, there also aren't very many people over there competing for the few spots that ARE available during those days.

I like this one, a delivery that came too late.
I rode up close and took a look, that is a pallet of root beer fountain syrup.  Each of those boxes contains (according to the outside of the box) 2.5 gallons of syrup.  So there is enough syrup there to produce several hundred gallons of root beer.

Too late, there just isn't going to be any demand for that much root beer over there until about 12 days before next Labor Day.

I rode down to Saint Thomas to see if I could see anything about that big bicycle ride they had today.  I was at least a couple of hours too late, I was there about 2pm.  There were still a few stragglers about but for the most part the ride was over.

I rode on down Finn Street because it is flat and because it was into the wind looking for a logical turnaround point to start back towards home.

Finn Street comes to a T when it meets Niles Avenue, I turned around.

This is the corner of Berkeley and Finn, another spot where if I wish I can "ride the pave". 
During Paris-Roubaix or the occasional pave segment of le Tour de France they pronounce that pav-ay.

The natives there speak Francais don't you know.

Furthermore I note that there is a roundabout at the corner of Finn and Lincoln.

Beautiful day for a ride, another day I am thankful I was able to enjoy.  There aren't ever enough days as pretty and nice as today.

1 comment:

Santini said...

Nice mileage for a single bike, single year.

I like the root beer story.

Very blue bench.