Saturday, August 27, 2011

Pyrrhic milestone

We headed north hoping to do the eight lakes tour. A forbidding sky turned us back before we arrived at Vadnais but we still had a nice ride. GRider got the miles she wanted as did I. For me, the annual mileage goal still seems pretty unlikely but . . .

I ride a lot and milestones are going to come. So today is 2,016 miles this bicycle this year.That's going to do it for that bicycle for this season. For my next ride I will be rolling on one of my other bicycles. A final note for newLOOK for this year is that I have accumulated 2,200 miles on this set of tires. That in itself calls for change of at least the tires.

Wireless was here preparing for her residence change and took the picture. Visible in the picture is my old bicycle, my new car and TsameOPWLH.

FC Nantes lost today.

1 comment:

Santini said...

Fun with acronyms.


I look forward to seeing the new old bike.