Thursday, August 11, 2011

New pavement

The closing of the Fairgrounds and some road repair unpleasantness near Como and Hamline Avenues have encouraged me to start my rides in a manner completely unlike the route I have used with great regularity over the past several years. I cannot ride through the Fair and I do not want to ride through the tar on the road over by Como Park. I hate those pebbles stuck to my tires which are the inevitable aftermath of riding near road repair.

Instead we headed straight south through the farm campus. This cuts a couple of miles off the familiar distances. With a strong south wind I intended to ride to Minneapolis. I was a bit surprised by how close some of that stuff is when the direct route is taken.

We ended up circumnavigating Lake Calhoun.I have been to Lake Calhoun before but it was a revelation to find that a circumnavigation of Lake Calhoun is about the same distance as the eight lakes tour. We could do that all of the time if we wanted to.

Here is the GRider at our pause, at the Upton Avenue beach on the south side of Lake Calhoun.The entire east side, south side and most of the west side of Calhoun is pavement never previously ridden upon.

It was a beautiful day, a nice day for a ride, a nice day to be outside.


jilrubia said...

SO WEIRD! Me and the kids were at Lakes Harriet and Calhoun Wednesday. As our youngest girl nearly ran in front of an alien-like speed rider, and after I hollered my apologies, I found myself wondering if you bikers ever rode around there. Guess you do.

TOPWLH said...

I loved riding around Lake Calhoun! In my teenage years I sunbathed on the beach and went swimming with my girlfriends there. I've also walked around it recently with my friend Bonnie, but I have never "circumnavigated" it on a bicycle.
After our ride, I spent the rest of the day with "the ancient ones" (my parents, so named by my younger brother). Since it was OOTNDITHOD, I found myself privately bemoaing the fact I was indoors. Then I remembered the bike ride! Life is good.