Wednesday, November 3, 2010

An ill wind blows

And no, I am not talking about the election results. Although I readily admit to be somewhat less than completely pleased with local, state and national results, I subscribe to the axiom that if you give every single citizen one vote you always, always, end up with the government that you deserve. No, I refer to to the actual wind.

It was warm enough today, yet another day with above average temperatures. Today that meant low 50s while I was out. The sun was shining and it was a very, very pretty day.But the wind turned around to out of the north and it blew HARD. Today's lesson is learned several times each year. For some reason the lesson never seems to stick. But here it is for today, when it is cold and windy, bicycling is extremely hard work.

There has been some discussion elsewhere on the internet about being in France in May. Me too.We went to the French Open.


Jimi said...

Those geezers don't look dressed for an all day rain.

Nice use of those old Paris photos. It brings back some really good memories.

Emily M said...

Looking at you in that second Paris pic, you wouldn't think we'd be about to hunker down for an all day sit-down in those seats. I particularly liked the French guy next to me. And the guys across the way in the berets.

TOPWLH said...

Pouce de Jimi! Ah, good to see it again. Nice photos and good memories.

Retired Professor said...

Great photo of the lake --

Cold winds are tough to ride in, I heartily agree.