Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I sense something

Today was a nice day for September which means that it was a very nice day for October. Which means it was probably somewhat off the charts for November 9. Before heading off to work TOPWLH remarked that it looked like a good day to be retired. She was right.

I didn't even get out of the driveway before social interactions began to occur. My bicycling neighbor was just finishing his ride as I prepared to begin mine. He has a new bicycle and he stopped to let me have a look. It is a Ridley with SRAM, Mavic wheels, quite a nice bike.

Here is a picture I got yesterday of the Minnesota Korean War Veterans Memorial.I like the way the figure and the piece it appears to have been cut from line up with the Capitol. As with yesterday's WWII memorial, it was serene, an appropriate spot for some quiet reflection.

But what about today? The wind was from the south, I headed down into the big city. I rode towards the confluence of the two big rivers. When last seen by me this area was in heavy flood. The water is still quite high, particularly for this time of year, but it should be apparent that the rivers are back inside their banks.Just as I was preparing to mount up for a return home a fellow citizen and a bald eagle showed up and proceeded to entertain. The eagle did its part by soaring over the river valley, no doubt looking for some lunch. The fellow citizen did his part by being extravagantly over enthusiastic about the appearance of our national symbol. Ben Franklin, of course, thought it should be the wild turkey, but I digress.

The big bird soared over the confluence overlook where I was still standing and appeared to possibly be in the mood for a photo. I was unprepared and by the time I had resecured my bicycle and extracted the camera from my jersey pocket the photo opportunity had passed.

The eagle did NOT consent to an interview following the event and I'm not sure how useful that would have been anyway, since I do not speak Eagle so I cannot state positively for the eagle but for the fellow citizen and myself I can quite comfortably assert that a good time was had by both.

When I got home it was 66 and sunny, what's not to like?


Jimi said...

It was, as you say, a very good day to be retired. You weren't too far from where Kels and I were walking. I recognize Pike Island in your photo and we were a ways up river at Snelling Lake.

Santini said...

Great photo of the War Memorial.

Fall photos are monochromatic, but I still enjoy the fact that you can see so much more once the leaves are gone.

Emily M said...

Lovely photos - I was was so sad to be stuck in an office all day yesterday. And today, for that matter! I'm glad you got outside to enjoy it.

Ann Regan said...

Hello, Gzmoohoo! I'm an editor at the Minnesota Historical Society, and I'm seeking a photo of a monument on the Capitol grounds that we can use in a little book we're doing for the celebration of the restoration this August. Your shot of the Korean War Memorial, posted in your blog for Nov. 9, 2010, might be a possibility. Do you have a high-resolution version of the photo? This is a time-sensitive question, as we'll be shooting a replacement image as soon as the weather clears. But I like the way your shot shows the building through the leafless trees. Please advise.

Ann Regan
Editor in Chief
MNHS Press