Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Plus 15 again

Breakfast for me involves one of the two daily newspapers that I read each day. I have a fairly set routine for this daily event which ends with the back page of the sports section where I find the weather page. Today I discovered that I may have sold yesterday quite a bit short. The official high was 50, 44 and damp seems a little unfair.

Today is Saint Patrick's Day and it seems apparent that God loves the Irish, at least this year. The sun was out before the parade started at noon and eventually the temperatures have poked into that plus 15-20 degrees above average range for yet another day. There wasn't much green visible on my bicycle ride but after riding I headed down into the saintly city to buy bread at my bakery of choice and sure enough I immediately encountered an "Irish guys do it better" t-shirt. I would be more impressed if the shirt had been worn by an Irish looking female person but, as you all can probably guess, the shirt was draped over a not very Irish looking male person.

I rode the longest ride of the year to date, not much of a claim with only 4 rides in. But I reached a new city, Shoreview, rode past the Shoreview water tower and on the way passed by a couple of real, actual lakes, no ponds. This is still ice-covered Owasso from the south end.I can feel the very first stirrings of fitness as I rode 10 or 12 miles today without any great strain. The problem is, of course, that I rode farther than that and the last couple of miles were into a wind that freshened after I had set out. The last couple of miles were pretty hard but I love my bicycle and it was a spectacularly nice day to be out there riding.

1 comment:

gfr said...

Wind over ice is cold cold.

It looks like a pretty nice day where you are.