Wednesday, September 3, 2008

One thing it wasn't

Yesterday was too wet to ride. Today it was dry enough. It was windy but not too windy. It was lots of things but one thing it clearly wasn't was summer. Today was fall. It was cool, cool enough for undershirt and arm warmers. And even with that as the evening deepened and I still wasn't home I found myself wishing I had donned a jacket.


The Saint Odilia fall festival is set for this weekend.The fall festival features a giant sale inside these tents. I ride through their parking lot about 70 times a year but have never patronized the sale. This year I might actually stop and buy something.

Closed circuit to Wireless: There is likely to be a large number of used couches for sale at bargain prices. If you had transportation . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your rain has arrived here, or more likely it is the rain from Gustav. I've seen a lot of TV coverage of food on a stick at your state fair. Those out of towners should go home.