Sunday, September 21, 2008

Things we used to own

Equinox. Average high temperature for the day: 70. This morning at 11am: already 72. A morning ride is an unexpected pleasure in late September but today we left the house while it was still morning.

My back is still iffy enough that I ride in circles for at least a couple of miles before leaving the neighborhood. The up side of this is that while riding the square of Fairview, Larpenteur, Cleveland, Roselawn, a full half mile in each of the cardinal directions, I get sbsolutely clear information about wind direction. I absolutely, totally know the wind direction before ever leaving the intersection of Fairview and Roselawn, less than a half mile from home.

With my back in mind we didn't set off for a destination, we set off for a ride of a duration of time. We ended up visiting some places we used to own.

This is BB in front of Old Main. Ah, September on campus, is there anything else like that?And this is BB with the Emily tree. We planted that tree in the yard of the house we used to own when Emily was born while we lived there. Emily is all grown up and so is her tree.The current residents are not being the slightest bit reticent about their political choices in the upcoming election.

And this house is owned by Hamline. It is used for auxiliary faculty office space. This is where BB currently reports for work.Emily yesterday proclaimed the day to be one of the nicest days in the history of days. Today was just as nice.


Anonymous said...

Babe for scale. Sleeveless in September.

Nice series of photos.

Anonymous said...

Yes, really nice series of photos. And a great way to spend part of the last day of summer. Thanks,