Monday, September 15, 2008

*sigh* Where has summer gone?

I suppose that we are all aware that maple trees under stress are the first to go. Here are two maple trees under stress in Shoreview.These two have officially announced, "That's it. I give up. I may be back next year to try again but I am done for this year." These are the first I have seen make this announcement. There is no longer any sense in denying what is increasingly obvious. The equinox looms at the end of the week, Labor Day is now long (two weeks!!) past. Summer has gone.

I have not given up for this year. My back feels better if I get some bicycling in so on a day when it was still unseasonably cool, albeit sunny, I got some bicycling in. It may have been cool but I now ride fully costumed for cold weather anyway. *sigh* WHSG?

Anyone else find Contador's results so far in the Vuelta to be just a little too good to be true?


Anonymous said...

WHSG? Taking acronym's to a new level? We're developing our own language here. Pretty picture, and it will get more colorful soon. Hang in there on your season. I declare myself to be a maple tree under stress. MTUS?

Anonymous said...

I see quite a few quitter maple trees. They haven't dealt with the dry summer very well. The colors will soon be dramatic enough to add spice to these blogs' photos. Late summer still has a few great days to offer up. TT

Anonymous said...

A triple crown in pro bike racing? Something smells fishy. I've not been paying much attention ... I've barely absorbed the Lance come-back news. Isn't Astana barred from the TdF? If Levi can't race in France in July, how can Lance?