Saturday, June 16, 2007

LOOK at the shrubbery

As I predicted, it did rain overnight. But it had pretty much stopped by 9am and it was dry by 11 so after lunch I headed out. Everything was different, it was not as hot, topping out at 85 during my ride, the wind was from the other direction, I headed north on the eight lake tour.

I took a nice long stop at Vadnais and watched the fishing for a while. It was only slightly more entertaining than usual. The highlight was one citizen deciding that his luck would be changed if he fished off the north side of the parking lot point instead of the south side where everyone else was fishing. No one was fishing on the north side because there is a giant weed bed on the north side. Citizen cast out once, had a horrible time getting his line back and when he finally did extricate it from the water he had about half a bushel of water weeds tagging along.

I got all the way home without getting my camera out but I did not get my bicycle put away. The other person who lives here has taken an active interest in the state of the shrubbery and has rallied this bush out in front. Spirea? Nice job, other person, pretty flowers.

I finished up scanning my work picture frames. The images will probably begin to appear here soon. As I said previously, these are pictures which have been accumulating on my desk for quite some time. Seeing some of them again brought back lots of pleasant memories. I guess that's what pictures are for.


Santini said...

It is a very pretty flowering shrub. Good job, other person. The opportunity to watch how other people behave in an outdoor setting -- where the rules for behavior are apparently pretty undefined -- is one of the benefits of riding. I look forward to the scanned photos.

Anonymous said...

Excellent title to your post. I missed it the first time around. ~ SS