Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The true north, strong and free

Today's wind conditions were similar to yesterday's so I again rode out to the north. I soon enough found myself approaching the radar speed sign. I got myself into the big ring and prepared to sprint. This time the wind was a quartering head wind and I don't think my number was as good as yesterday. But I couldn't tell for sure. I had to wait at the STOP sign for a car and I ended up following it through the speed zone. And another car came behind so I am a little uncertain if there ever was a moment when it was my speed being measured and not one or another of the cars. I was dead on sprinting when I went past the measuring device though and I did pass a hybrid.

Not that big a deal you say? That a road bike sprinting should be able to overhaul a probably non-sprinting hybrid? Well, maybe so. But this was no hybrid bike I passed. Nope, right after the speed sign I caught and passed a Toyota Prius.This is a marker on a boulder near my house indicating the 45th parallel. Since I live slightly north and east of this boulder I live in the northern half of the northern hemisphere. So that's sort of the true north. I live, just for one example, north of Toronto, Canada's largest city (but south of Montreal).

Oh, that's my bike in front of the marker.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL -- Hybrid indeed. Good sprinting! Is the next theme monuments and signs?