Thursday, April 19, 2007

Ten percent

It was warm enough today but very windy. Very hard riding into the wind. That always uses up a lot of energy and I end up feeling not so fast. Of course, the riding downwind is easy but usually comes after I am pretty knackered. I end up feeling not so fast.

I cut through the fairgrounds for this picture. Today's question is was I faster than a ride on the Yellow Slide. Well, as you can see, the Yellow Slide is partly disassembled so I had an advantage, but yes, I was faster than a ride on the Yellow Slide.Today's visual oddity occurred when I was riding through the farm campus after my exit from the fairgrounds. I wanted to check to see if the big cow sculptures were out on the mall yet (they are not). But I got a treat anyway, as as I approached the dairy barns three students came walking up the hill from I have no idea where on their way to the barns. Each of the three had a Holstein calf on a halter and rope leash. These were this year's calves, still small enough for a strapping young student to control, but the young calves were lively and full of spirit. That is they were until they got to the street. Then they refused to cross and had to be urged on with the usual jerking of ropes and slapping of haunches. Amusing.

Probably cattle aren't that unusual a sight in lots of places, in the middle of a metropolitan area of 2.5 million a sighting of cattle is a bit out of the ordinary.

1 comment:

Santini said...

Nice bright yellow -- makes a good photo. I don't get the significance of the 10%? Livestock? In the city? Cool.